As I recently put together my 30 before 30, I thought I'd give you a few
reasons behind why I put things on there.
This was intended to be one single post, but you know me...ramble,
ramble, ramble. So now it's 3.
Yeah, sorry...
1. Get Engaged
This was always going to be on my list,
if I’d put this together just over 2 years ago, I’d have NEVER believed that it
would get crossed off. This is the girl who’d never had a boyfriend, so just
look how things can change!
2. Get Married
The next natural step of course and
with this one timetabled in for December, it will definitely get crossed off
3. Have a Baby
T would definitely like to me to pop
out a kid ASAP, he is very aware of his biological clock, as if he has one! I’d
like one too, but I expect I’d like to have at least one by the time I’m 30!
4. Buy a House
Yes, we’ve bought a flat already, which
is why this is cross off, as it covers the ‘be a home owner’ card. I’d like us
to have sold our flat and have moved onto a house by the time I’m 30 though, so
it still kinda counts.
5. Save Enough for Our
More on my savings background below and
why this is important to me…following on from that, this is my first real
savings test. I want to prove to myself and to T that I CAN save the money we
need for the wedding.
6. Have £10k in Savings
This is an important one for me, and
I’m not sure how realistic it is, but I need something to work towards. Before
I met T I didn’t have a penny of savings and I had a giant credit card which I
either paid off and was in my overdraft all month or didn’t get paid off and I
was paying fees. Since meeting T he’s changed the way I think about money, he’s
a born saver and I’m so thankful for that. I remember being so ashamed of my
debt that I cried when I told him. I can now proudly say that my credit card
debt is paid off and I actually have a good chunk in savings!
7. Earn at least
I always think that when you’re less
than 30 you should be earning more than your age. I think I’ve managed so far,
but I definitely want to step up my game and break past the £30k mark before
I’m 30.
8. Work for Myself
I would love to be able to work for
myself at home, raising our children, in a lovely, old, giant house in
the country – a girl can dream? I’m not sure whether this is even
possible, but you never know!
9. Be a Stay at Home Mummy
Nothing would please me more in life to
be a housewife, to stay at home, cook, clean, raise our children and potter
about. And obviously go shopping and have lunch with all the other yummy
Mummys! But again, this is a difficult one and I don’t think it will happen.
10. Buy a Mulberry Bag
This is THE expensive bag that I want
in my life, a gorgeous brown leather bag that will last me forever. Now with a
heavy price tag of over £1k, it’s not a pop to the shops and pick out a new bag
sort of purchase. I’ve wanted one of these for years and one day I will earn
enough extra money to reward myself or T will give in to my begging and
buy one for me.